Former Student Alumni Council Members

Hear from Texas State University Alumni and former Student Alumni Council (SAC) members on how SAC shaped their college journey and prepared them for life after graduation.

John Moerke (B.B.A.'20)

John Moerke served as SAC president from 2019-2020. He graduated with a B.B.A. in Finance in 2020. John is a native of San Marcos and currently resides in Austin, Texas

photo of John Moerke
Photo of John Moerke

What advice would you give current SAC members or new officers?
"One piece of advice I would give would be not to let yourself get trapped in your comfort zone and to always "be comfortable, with being uncomfortable." I learned this after attending the Hatton W. Sumners Student Leadership Conference, and it has stuck with me since I heard the concept at the conference.

Experiencing new and unfamiliar things is terrifying for most people. Still, these new experiences help us grow, develop, and better understand subjects we may not completely understand. If I listened to every person who told me I couldn't achieve a goal or was incapable of doing something, I would never have made it to or through college and where I am now."

What is something valuable that you learned from being in SAC?
"I learned that I genuinely do love my Alma Mater. My experiences in SAC showed me that Texas State might be a large institution; still, thanks to the active alumni base, faculty, staff, and most importantly, students, the institution is an interconnected family.I believe the phrase "once a bobcat, always a bobcat" is so true; I will always bleed maroon and gold!"

What skills did SAC teach you through your involvement that transferred into the workforce?
"The most crucial skill SAC taught me was how to manage deadlines effectively while being pulled in ten different directions, all at once. This specific skill has helped me tremendously after transitioning into the workforce and the "real world."

[After becoming SAC President] I had to manage my schedule effectively, juggling work, school, and the organization and maintaining some resemblance of a social life while meeting their associated expectations and time commitments.

These experiences translated very well into my professional life. With a demanding work schedule and tight deadlines, I can manage my workload in a way that keeps me from experiencing burnout from the demands of work."

What is a favorite memory of your time in SAC? 
"My favorite memory would have to be when I attended the Distinguished Alumni Gala. The Alumni I was able to speak with Alumni that left me with a sense of confidence. I was fortunate enough to hear about life experiences and how the challenges they faced early in their careers helped shape them into the person they are today."

Do you want to offer any words of encouragement for our SAC members? 
"If I had to provide SAC members or any other student graduating a piece of advice, it would be to keep your head up and embrace failure just as much as you embrace success; failure, in my opinion, is the ultimate teacher."

Steven Bradford (B.A.'21)

Steven Bradford served as SAC president from 2020-2021. He graduated with a B.A. in Psychology in 2021.

photo of Steven Bradford
photo of Steven Bradford

What advice would you give current SAC members or new officers?
"Be intentional about meeting faculty and staff. We have some pretty amazing educators and staff (many whom are Bobcat alum) and learning how they navigated their academic and professional journeys can only improve your own. Some of my most influential mentors are staff members  are Bobcat alum and the respect and accolades they have gained are what we should all strive to achieve. "

What is something valuable that you learned from being in SAC?
"I definitely learned the value of being an active student. Being involved in numerous organizations and councils created opportunities to represent various demographics to ensure that all Bobcats have a successful collegiate experience. Being an active student and investing my time into the university also enriched my own pride in the direction of the university."

What skills did SAC teach you through your involvement that transferred into the workforce?
"One skill learned was how to collaborate with individuals from multiple backgrounds. What makes us individually different can make us more collectively stronger! When we realize that we share common goals, coming together to achieve these similar goals creates opportunity for a better Texas State!."

What is a favorite memory of your time in SAC?
"My favorite memory of SAC would be helping to host the Alumni Association’s Tailgate party. I was able to meet numerous alumni from various backgrounds and hear the stories of their time at Texas State. Whether it was alum from the days of Southwest Texas State College or recent grads reminiscing, the times and buildings may have changed but the same love for our university is the same!"

Do you want to offer any words of encouragement for our SAC members?
"BE ACTIVE! Making a difference while a Bobcat will prepare you to learn relevant soft skills necessary in and outside of school. It will also open professional doors to help you reach your professional goals. Attend events from the Department of Theatre and Dance, hit up sporting events, be involved in student government, or other events going on. You will notice that there are Bobcats doing some pretty amazing things!."