#WeMetAtTXST Stories

  • Patsy and Bruce met in the campus cafeteria in 1957. Bruce was the cashier and was teasing Patsy, whose maiden name is Reeves, for having a similar last name. They got married in 1960 and have been together ever since. 

    Photo of couple at 80th birthday party

  • Darylyn and Skye first met in a chemistry lab. Skye was taken by Darylyn’s beauty and introduced herself. They walked together to Darylyn’s next class and when she walked away, Skye realized she hadn’t gotten her number or even her name. After a failed Facebook search attempt, Skye saw Darylyn the next week in class and asked for her name, number and if she wanted to get dinner. Their first date was at Saltgrass, where Skye later proposed. After graduation, they got married and moved to Washington state. The chemistry that the two found in that lab has never faded. 

    Photo of two women and their dog against a lake

  • Emmy went to a dance practice for the African Student Organization fully aware that he couldn’t dance, but hopeful that there would be girls there – and there were. Kenna was a member of the dance team and ended up in the same stretching area as Emmy. That was the start of their friendship, but it wasn’t until months later at the Black Excellence Pageant that Emmy made his first move. They started dating, and the couple credits Texas State’s Every Nation Campus Ministry for keeping their relationship strong. They are now married, living in Washington, D.C., and expecting their first child. 

    photo of couple wearing TXST Alumni tshirts

  • Gregory and Julie were enrolled in the same statistics class in 1974. Gregory sat a couple seats behind Julie and thought she was beautiful. He finally got the courage to ask her out one day, but Julie said no. Some days later, he got the courage to ask her again. Before he could ask, Julie asked Gregory if he would give her a ride home to Austin and he quickly agreed. They went out that night and have been together ever since. They were married in 1975.

    Vintage photo of couple at wedding

  • Terry and Cydney met while students in the business college. Terry was completing his master’s degree and played in a blues band called Doc Sully at Cheatham Street Warehouse regularly when Kent Finley was the owner. The couple now lives in Flower Mound, Texas and they each have their own business. They recently celebrated their 32nd anniversary.   

    Vintage photo of couple standing together and smiling

  • Derek and Kathleen met on the Bobcat Village soccer/football fields in 2006. Kathleen was recruited to play in an Air Force ROTC flag football game by one of her sorority sisters. During the first play, Kathleen was catapulted into the air and landed at Derek’s feet. He helped her up, dusted her off, and the rest is history. They have been married for 12 years and have two kids. Their love for Texas State keeps them coming back for visits every year. 

    Photo of couple sitting at river together

  • Lori and Matt met in the Department of Theatre while they were both undergraduate students but were never more than friends while at Texas State. Upon graduation, Matt headed for Los Angeles and Lori moved to New York City. Years later, while Matt was in New York on business, they met for lunch. After three years of long-distance dating, they married and made Los Angeles their home base.

    Photo of couple sitting together smiling at a restaurant.

  • Jeff and Margie met in a Healthcare Statistics class in 1993, studied together, and began dating. Shortly after Margie’s graduation, they were engaged and married in December 1995.  The couple celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in December 2020.  Both of their sons are Bobcats, and they still enjoy visiting San Marcos.

    Photo of couple together at TXST alumni event, wearing TXST merch

  • Megan and Jaime met in 2004 at “Dueling Hip Hop DJ Night” at Lucy’s on the square. Jaime lost her number twice after that, but the third time’s the charm, and the two eventually had their first date at the Green Parrot. They married in 2007 in San Marcos and recently moved to New Braunfels to raise their two sons and be closer to where their love story began. They hope their boys will be Bobcats in six and eight short years too.

    Photo of couple sitting together smiling wearing TXST shirts

  • Joy and Jeremy met in a golf class in 1995. When Joy was introduced to the Baton Rouge, LA native, her Texas hospitality kicked in, and the two soon became a couple.  Shortly after college, they got engaged in Crested Butte, CO, and in 2003 they married in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, surrounded by family and many Bobcat friends. They now live in Austin and share two children. They would not trade anything for the memories they made in San Marcos. 

    Photo of couple sitting together on car hood. Photo is vintage.

  • Kristi and David had many opportunities to meet. They lived in the same residence halls for two years, went to many of the same events, and had friends in common. But, it wasn’t until their sophomore year when David got a job at the Gap Outlet, where Kristi was one of the supervisors, that the two met. Their first date was to the River Walk, and afterward, David was head-over-heels. A year later, he had saved up enough money to buy a ring. With no savings left to plan an elaborate engagement, he took her back to the Outlets, where it all started, and got on one knee in the Zales store. They married in 2002 and have two children. 

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  • Rick and Wendy met in physics class, and later became the President and Vice President, respectively, of the Biology Club. One evening Rick asked Wendy to join him for dinner, and she thought he was going to give her a pep talk about something related to the club, so she brought a friend along with her. Once they got to the restaurant, the friend quickly figured Rick’s intent and made a diplomatic exit. That was their first date, and they got married in December 1976.  They have one son and two grandchildren and are living in Washington state.

    Photo of couple smiling while eating dinner

  • In the Fall of 1991, Gretchen and Wade met at El Arroyo on the back patio. They were interested in each other, but never exchanged numbers, which they both regretted. Fortunately, they found each other again at a Halloween party. This time, Gretchen made Wade memorize her phone number and they had their first date a few days later.  They were married in September of 1995 and recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. 

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  • Krista and Trenton met at Falls Hall in 2002 their freshman year. Trenton was a little afraid to approach her the first time he saw her, so he got his roommate to invite her to a get-together they were having.  While in college, Krista did her internship at Disneyworld which led to the couple getting married there. They now have two future Bobcats and are living happily ever after.

    Photo of couple at TXST alumni event

  • Christy’s roommate told her she needed to meet John, the rodeo club president, after attending one of the organization’s meetings. Soon after, the rodeo association held a fundraiser. Christy entered the tight-fitting jeans contest, and John had the fortune of introducing her. The two got to talking and within two weeks, they both felt like they had found the person they were going to married.  Eventually, they did marry at Texas State’s Freeman Ranch and recently celebrated their 25th anniversary. 

    photo of couple at wedding

  • Brian and Christina first met while in the Bobcat Marching Band in 2007.  They started dating at the end of Christina’s freshman year, but ended up breaking up. They stayed friends through the years and began dating again when she was a senior and he was working as a band director in Austin. They were married in 2015 and had their first child in 2018.  They still love attending Texas State Football games and hope to take their son to one soon.

    Photo of couple smiling and wearing TXST merch

  • Kier and Matthew met when they both worked as sports reporters for the University Star in 2016. He proposed to her in front of their entire graduating class in Sewell Park. They are getting married on February 12, 2021. 

    photo of couple smiling at a restaurant

  • Lori and Zoe met at the Texas State Rec Center when Zoe showed up to play for the first time with the racquetball club. They played in several racquetball tournaments together and fell in love in the process. The couple lived in San Marcos for several years before moving to Austin, and they still play racquetball together. 

    Photo of two women smiling and sitting on a cliff with trees

  • Tiffany was immediately smitten the first time she saw Harvey. Her sorority and his fraternity were meeting up at a restaurant, and he was hard to miss when he walked in – a 6’4” man wearing a neon pink T-shirt that was two sizes too big. When it came time to pay, Tiffany and her friend’s orders mistakenly ended up on Harvey’s tab. Without skipping a beat, Harvey paid for all three meals. The two kept bumping into each other and finally exchanged numbers at a Homecoming tailgate. They have been married for 14 years and have three daughters.

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  • Aitiana and Walter met on the first day of New Student Orientation in 2015. They got to know each other as they toured campus and ended the day with a ghost tour. They exchanged numbers and texted each other all summer, finally reuniting when classes started in the fall. It wasn’t long before they started dating. When Walter graduated in 2019, he proposed to Aitiana before the infamous San Marcos River jump. They are expecting their first child, a daughter, this year. She is due on May 16, the same day that Walter proposed in 2019. 

    Photo of couple walking down the aisle at their wedding

  • Tessa and Thaddeus met at a Jujitsu night neither of them wanted to go to. Tessa went at a friend’s insistence, though she devised a plan to bring nail polish with her so that she’d have wet nails and wouldn’t have to participate in the more athletic parts of the evening. Thaddeus had been convinced to stay for the Jujitsu night after participating in a bible study the host had earlier that day. The two started talking and quickly became friends. They started dating a year later and are now six years into their marriage. 

    family portrait in a field

  • Fred first caught Colleen’s eye in 1958 when they were both being recognized at the honors convocation – Colleen for English and Fred for Biology.  When Fred’s name was called, Colleen saw him and thought that he was the type of person she wanted to marry. After that night, Colleen kept tabs on Fred. “Never underestimate the powers of a smitten coed,” she says. One night at the library, Fred stopped by Colleen’s table. They struck up a conversation and he invited her to a barbeque. The two spent as much time as they could together for the last two weeks of the semester. Fred moved to Houston to practice dentistry after that semester and Colleen stayed to finish her degree, after which she joined Fred in Houston. The couple married in 1960. Their 60-year marriage has brought them two children, eleven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The City of New Braunfels named Fred a “Living Legend” in 2012, but Colleen still sees the striking young man who caught her eye in 1958. 

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  • Carla and Joshua met on Halloween 2013 when their respective friend groups each went out dressed as the Power Rangers. The two groups bumped into each other at the corner of LBJ and Hopkins, and Carla and Joshua, both dressed as the black ranger, made a connection. They soon began dating and were married in 2018. 

    photo of couple smiling at TXST tailgate event

  • Stephanie and Jazmine first met in the TXST Leadership Institute’s Pathfinders program in 2016. They lost touch after that, but reconnected in 2018 when they hosted a leadership conference as members of the Student Leadership Board. Jazmine asked Stephanie on a date after the organization’s spring retreat, and that was it. The couple is thankful to the Leadership Institute for bringing them together. 

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  • During her freshman year, Melina attended a summer job fair and ended up with a job at a local Boy Scout camp where William, a fellow Bobcat, was an assistant program coordinator. The two had their unofficial first date on a 5-mile hike and talked for hours under the Texas stars. The pair enjoyed every aspect of Texas State together, attending sporting events and spending as much time as possible at Sewell Park. When they graduated in 2015, they jumped in the river together, and later that year got married. The have two sons who fill their house with the sounds of the Bobcat fight song. 

    photo of couple and baby at baseball game

  • Michael and Sarah first met at VocaLibre auditions in 2004. Sarah, already a member of the group, watched as Michael auditioned with “My Funny Valentine.” After the audition, Michael made a bold move by sitting next to Sarah on a piano bench that was only suited for one. A couple months later, Michael left his planner in the choir room and Sarah happened to find it. She called the “if lost, please call” number and the conversation that ensued led to their first date.  They got married in April 2010, with ten Bobcats in their wedding party – and VocaLibre performed at the rehearsal dinner. The couple has two daughters. 

    photo of a couple at a wedding

  • It was a normal day in economics class when Crystal gave a presentation and Michael was instantly interested in her. At the end of her presentation, Michael yelled “good job!” across the auditorium-type classroom, making sure Crystal noticed him. In the next class, Michael sat behind Crystal and invited her to a party that weekend. The friendship they struck up blossomed into more and they married in 2007. They have two children. 

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  • Kristi was working at Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center (EARDC) as a secretary right before the 1980 fall semester. Mike had just moved into town for graduate school and would regularly come into the EARDC for appointments with Dr. Bobby Whiteside. Every time Mike would come in, Dr. Whiteside would tell him to stop looking at the red-headed secretary. Mike soon started visiting Kristi at her other part-time job in the Speech-Drama building, where they eventually had their first date. In June 1984, Kristi and Mike were married. The wedding was officiated by former Fine Arts & Communication dean Dr. Richard Cheatham, and they had their reception on the Square. The couple recently moved back to San Marcos.

    vintage photo of couple smiling

  • Kerry glanced out her window at Jackson Hall and noticed a Black Yukon with a ski boat attached. She saw about 20 people load up and drive off. She thought to herself, “looks like I missed the boat!” She didn’t see the Yukon, which belonged to Chad, again until a few weeks later, when the dorm went on a float trip. The two met that day, and the rest is history. They have three kids who they hope will be the next generation of Bobcats. 

    photo of couple smiling together on a football field

  • Rick had just gotten a job as an RA in Butler Hall. The mailboxes in the residence hall had been renumbered right before residents moved in, and Debra could not reach her new mailbox. Every morning, when Rick was on duty, Debra would ask him for help getting her mail (Rick would joke about her needing a milk crate to reach the mailbox). The two married one week after Rick graduated in 1984. 

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  • Jim likes to say that he proposed on their first date. He did ask Patricia “when are we going to get married?” when the couple who set them up was talking about their wedding plans. Two and a half years later, that question was answered – they got married in July 1963. Jim and Patricia have wonderful memories from Texas State and recently returned to San Marcos to explore campus and enjoy the famous Manske Rolls. They have two sons and four granddaughters. 

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  • Patrick and Kimberly found each other when they needed it most. Kimberly was struggling with her studies and weighing her options for the future when she ran into Patrick at the dumpster between their two apartment complexes. Motivated by the birth of their first child, the two leaned on each other and faced life’s challenges together. With the support of the university and their families, the pair completed both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Texas State. They have three children together.

    Photo of couple kissing next to the kissing alley

  • Candice and Jacob met when they were neighbors at Bishop’s Square Townhomes. One night, while hanging out on her back patio with her roommates, Candice pretended she needed to use Jacob’s phone, and sneakily put her number into his contacts. The pair quickly became inseparable. They have been together 14 years and have two daughters. Each summer, they celebrate the place where it all began with a trip to the San Marcos River.

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  • This couple met in San Marcos and got engaged at Aquarena Springs in 2013. Their engagement photo shoot was at Aquarena Springs a few months later. They are parents to Brody and live in New Braunfels.

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  • Nick was helping out with Texas State’s gospel choir after completing his master’s degree in physics when he first saw Kelly. She was taking physics that semester and a mutual friend arranged for Nick to tutor her. According to Nick, the fact that Kelly had to retake physics after that semester wasn’t his fault. The couple married in 2012.

  • Jeaneen was a freshman when she went to the rec center on a Tuesday night and jumped into a random pickup volleyball game. Justin was on the other side of the net. They trash talked each other a little and his team won. The next week he was there again, and they played and exchanged numbers. They actually started a team in intramural volleyball, and the “Death Zone” team extended to a softball team of the same name. They would discover they were both from the Dallas area and grew up about a 20-minute drive from each other. They got engaged before they left school and married in December 2012. They live and work in Grapevine and have two children.

    Family photo of couple with two babies

  • On the first day of Amaris’ last semester, Taylor sat next to her in class. They were drawn to each other and quickly partnered up for class assignments. They began floating the river, going to the Square and enjoying all that San Marcos has to offer. They adopted a dog together and walked him through campus, always making sure to pass Old Main. Three years after that class, Taylor got down on one knee in front of Old Main. The couple now lives in Kyle, but visit campus as often as possible for dog walks.

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  • Chuck was Cody’s orientation leader, and the pair didn’t much like each other at first. A few years later, they worked on the same Student Government election campaign and started getting to know each other better and sharing their nerdy interests (anime for Chuck, Star Trek and Star Wars for Cody), but the idea of a relationship didn’t really click until they began having weekly lunches around town. Finally, one Halloween Cody said to Chuck: “If this is going to be a thing, then you need to ask me on a date,” and that was that. They’ve been together for almost 11 years now and married for two.

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  • Justin and Samantha met in 1995 as Orientation Assistants. He proposed a year later on the steps in front of Old Main. The couple married in 1999 at the Catholic Student Center and held the wedding reception at Aquarena Springs. They now have two children who bleed maroon and gold and the Texas State flag flies proudly in front of their Seattle home.

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  • Heather and Larry both worked at the big H-E-B in San Marcos. Larry had just graduated, and Heather was just starting classes at Texas State. Heather made the first move, asking Larry out to a volleyball game while he was stocking the chip aisle. Unfortunately, Larry had to work late that night and couldn’t go, but the next day, he asked Heather to go to Bum’s Billiards. That night, they stayed up talking till 6 A.M. and have been together ever since. Larry currently serves as C.F.O. on the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors. 

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  • Fate was on Ernest and Rosalinda’s side on June 1, 1983. Ernest was supposed to be out of state, and Rosalinda wasn’t eager to go out with her friends, but both ended up at Jeremiah’s Nightclub. The two locked eyes from across the club and felt the sparks. Ernest went and introduced himself. The couple has been married for 33 years and have two children, both Texas State alumni. 

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  • Brooke met Lance at a bid night event when he was pledging the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Brooke was immediately taken with Lance, and the two dated throughout her senior year. But, when Brooke graduated and Lance still had a few years left as a student, the couple decided to part ways. Eight years later, a mutual friend reconnected them and Brooke learned Lance had always considered her the one that got away. They have been married for 13 years and live in San Marcos, where they attend Texas State events regularly.

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  • Tracie and Wallie believe it was fate that brought them together. Tracie was a business major, but something pulled her to take a social work class. Wallie and Tracie met in that social work class and the rest was history! Wallie proposed to Tracie in front of Flowers Hall, where that fateful class was held. 

    photo of couple standing together at a river

  • In 1988, Kristin went to an ATO Fraternity meeting to recruit for Student Government, and was taken with Tony, the fraternity’s president.  After playing hard to get, Kristin finally accepted an invitation to a party with Tony. Their first kiss was right at midnight on Valentine’s Day. The couple will celebrate 31 years of marriage in March.

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  • When Jan and Terence were students, he frequented the club where she worked as a waitress. They were both in relationships with other people at the time, but each had a crush on the other – unbeknownst to them. Twenty years later, the pair ran into each other in Austin. Palmer confessed that he has loved Jan all that time, and one year later, they were married.

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  • Raida and Todd met when she, a Strutter, agreed to help with choreography for his fraternity’s routine for the annual Christmas Sing-Song. Todd swears that the moment Raida arrived at the rehearsal, he saw “a beam of light.” Todd looked at his best friend and said, “I don’t know who that girl is, but I am going to marry her.” Todd was true to his word, and the couple has been married for 35 years. They have two children.

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  • Susie and Tom met at a mixer in February 1977. They walked to her car, which would not start. He gave her a ride home and the next day took her to get a new battery. They were engaged by May and married in December 1977. She dropped out of school but continued with her job on campus. They live in Austin and have remained active with the university, including his service on the Board of Regents. Tom is a Texas State Distinguished Alumnus. 

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  • What’s in a name? Joseph and Juanita Soliz (née Solis) met when they both heard their last name called in a sociology class. If sharing a last name wasn’t enough of a coincidence, Joseph also grew up on Juanita Street in Corpus Christi. When he told Juanita that, she thought he was joking, but he produced his driver’s license as proof. This unique ice breaker started the couple’s journey together. They have been married for 43 years and have two children and three granddaughters.

    photo sitting together smiling at a restaurant

  • As a former Strutter and Strutter manager, Stoney and Doug credit Mrs. Barbara Tidwell, founder and first Strutters director, for their love story. Their love for Texas States and the Strutters is as strong as ever – Stoney is a Strutters Always Alumni Network board member. She says Doug assists her in that role, as a “wannabe” Strutters manager. In 2019, Stoney published Boko the Bobcat, a story about everyone’s favorite mascot, beloved by the Walkers’ grandchildren.

    Family photo at TXST basketball game with Boko the mascot

  • In 1965, Steve and his friends invited a few of the women trying out for Strutters, including Pam, to see a “haunted” old farmhouse in town. When they got there, strange things started happening and the group got spooked. As the situation got scarier, Pam grabbed a hold of Steve and held on tightly – and kept holding on ever since. The couple married in 1968 and celebrated their 52nd anniversary in 2020.

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  • At the start of the fall 1964 semester, the Strutters were holding tryouts on campus. Patty had come to try out, and she noticed Buddy seemed to be interested in her, but he never came over to introduce himself. Eventually, he made his introduction and he asked Patty out soon after. Patty declined his first few offers, but changed her mind when she saw him at a football game with another date. After 53 years of marriage, the couple fondly remembers stargazing at the fish hatchery, marching in President Johnson’s inaugural parade, and just driving through the hill country laughing together.

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  • They met on campus in 2009 as members of the Society for Human Resource Management. Dating commenced in 2010 just before graduation. Married in 2014, they moved to Denver where they both work in human resources. 

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  • They met when she visited campus in the spring 2013, before her high school graduation. Tim became her date when her high school boyfriend broke up with her just before prom.  Tim was a running back for the Bobcats and Bethany covered the football team as a student reporter. They married in June 2019.

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  • They met at Texas State in 2002 and married in June 2011.  The Mahler’s have twins Ella and Easton, born in 2013.  They still make time to attend Texas State events with their children.

    photo of two kids at TXST football game

  • Zach and Kristin met over the phone in 2002 while planning a mixer for their respective sorority and fraternity. They met in person three weeks later in the parking lot of Bobcat Stadium where the buses were picking up to take everyone to the joint party in New Braunfels. The theme was “Party Like a Rock Star” and they have the framed picture taken from that night in their living room. After graduation, they got jobs in Dallas. Several years later they were in San Marcos for homecoming and Zach proposed in the Quad.  They married in Costa Rica. They still attend Texas Sate events  and say the university played a huge part in their lives. Their dream is to move back down to San Marcos when their corporate careers are done.

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  • Glory and Greg met in August 1996 at Arnold Hall. They were huge men’s basketball fans and once drove to Kansas City to watch the Bobcats in the first round of the NCAA tournament. They married in 2000 in her native Houston, and now have a 14-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter. Greg is a sportswriter for the Temple Daily Telegram while Glory teaches pre-K. They try to make at least one football game and a few basketball games every year.

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  • Rachel and Shaun met in 2006 through a mutual friend in their freshman year. They started dating in 2007 and married in 2013. Rachel says her best memories involve going to football games together and being members of the Loud Crowd. They attended all kinds of sports events, tailgate parties and went out after games with friends who were part of that sport fan crowd. They have two children and make their home in Plano. 

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  • They met in the summer of 1983 at the Timbers Apartments where they both lived. They have been married for 34 years and recently retired to San Marcos after living in Central Texas and across the country. Their two sons both attended Texas State, although one son moved over to Texas Tech. Brad loves Texas State Athletics and was on the board for nine years. They have season football tickets, go to baseball and softball games and right now are generally enjoying living a nicely paced life in San Marcos.

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  • The couple met in 2005 through mutual friends. She was a transfer from The University of Texas, and he came from community college. Today, they make their home in Houston where she is a Realtor, and he is in the oil and gas business. Amanda says they love San Marcos and the Texas Hill Country and hope to be able to move to the area in a couple of years. They visit whenever they can and say their three girls, ages 7, 5 and 3 are future Bobcats.

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  • When they met on the blind date in spring 2014, both Tyler and Allison had just come out of long relationships. Neither one was looking to get involved. But his friend was dating a Texas State coed and they wanted Tyler to join them at a concert – along with Allison. Tyler would discover that Allison lived in the apartment above his and that they were both from San Antonio. They married in May 2018.  

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  • Ashley and Alberto were introduced in San Marcos by a mutual friend at a party celebrating his 21st birthday. A month after they met, they went on their first date. A member of the ROTC, Alberto was commissioned into the Army upon graduation. He deployed to Iraq in 2010. They married in June 2012 in Austin. The couple now have three children, having welcomed a new baby in 2020. They are currently stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso and will be moving to Tampa, Florida this summer for assignment at MacDill Air Force Base.

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  • Taylor saw Kort playing intermural football in 2011 and asked a mutual friend about him. In true millennial style, social media came into play and they began dating and married in 2015. They now live and work in his native Boerne.

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  • Becky and Jeff had mutual friends and met at a 1996 get together for a playoff game. She was in grad school as he was finishing up his bachelor’s degree. She worked in JC Kellam (JCK) and he was in industrial technology. He would pick up the mail in JCK so he could see her each day. She says he absolutely loved the campus, lived there all four years, always ate there and hung out there. They had their wedding reception on the 11th floor of JCK so they could have Old Main in the wedding photos.

    Photo of couple at their wedding with old main in the background

  • Meredith lived in Butler Hall and was a freshman when she went to a nearby field to try out for recreational softball. She needed a glove, and Austin, a junior who played baseball, loaned her one. She made the team and he asked her out for ice cream. They were together for the next four years and married in Wimberley. On their wedding night, they drove back to Butler and took  photos in their wedding attire.  They live in Dallas, and they still attend football games and other events whenever they can.

    photo of couple smiling against butler hall

  • Kendall was a junior and Jonathan a senior when they met during Sights and Sounds where she was performing as a Strutter. She had a friend who knew Jonathan. He gave Kendall a ride home and asked for her number. Then her friend asked Kendall to come to a study group, and it turned out the study group was just the three of them — then the friend bugged out. Jonathan proposed in the gazebo in Sewell Park. The couple recently moved to Georgetown with their daughter, Leigh, described by Kendall as “our own little Bobcat.”

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  • Mike and Marie met in a business psychology course at the beginning of their sophomore year. She sat next to him because it was the last seat left. When they left, they walked together to their next class. They got engaged in their senior year, graduated in May 1973 and got married in September. They have been married for 46 years, and have lived in Houston, Manhattan, and many places in between. Today, they are retired to the Hill Country. They have two sons and four granddaughters and are enjoying the Texas State University Theatre program.

    photo of couple at their graduation

  • They were in the same required freshman university seminar class in 2008 and were partnered together. They hit it off, sort of. She was a Strutter and he teased her about it. She thought he was rude, but cute. They became friends but did not actually date until March 2009. Graduating in 2012, he proposed in November 2013 and they married in 2014. Today, they live in Boerne with their 4-year-old daughter. They regularly attend Texas State football games. Rachelle is on the Strutters Board of Directors.

    photo of couple after football game

  • She says they met at a bar. He says they met at Jones Hall in the fall of 1985. They married in October 1989. The Bordics like to go back to visit campus and have two daughters they could not convince to become Bobcats. They have been married 30 years, and Jennifer says she is still good friends with the roommate who introduced them.

    side by side collage of couple

  • They met during Homecoming 2010. When they got their rings at the ring ceremony that December, they also met each other’s family. Connor, who lost two rings, got a new one from Alyssa on their wedding day. His sister, Tegan Perry (B.S. ’17) brought water from the San Marcos River to the wedding so they could dunk both their Texas State and wedding rings. Boko even attended the nuptials for this diehard Texas State couple. Yes, they featured the fight song at the reception.

    photo of couple at wedding with boko

  • They met at a mixer at Texas State in early 1993 when she was a sophomore, and he was a senior. He asked her out for a dinner date on Feb. 13 but did not show. When she saw him at a party, she confronted him telling him that “no one stood her up for dinner.” He said he wanted to make it up and took her out the next day — Valentine’s Day 1993. They celebrated 24 years of marriage on June 29, 2020.

    photo of the couple at a restaurant

  • Sam and Ashlee met in the summer of 2015. They were both exercise and sports science majors who were introduced by her best friend. Ashlee says Sam “just kept reappearing” in her life, first in a summer class, and she would see him while running. Her best friend told her he was very smart, and she needed to partner with him in class. They also worked with the football team on the sidelines. They come back to campus every year for Homecoming. Married in September 2020, they live in Kyle, call themselves “hardcore alums” and consider their time at Texas State the best years of their lives — so far.

    photo of couple at TXST tailgate

  • Angelique and Eduardo met at Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic Student Union in 2015 while he was in a fraternity and she was part of a sorority. They got acquainted during a retreat and realized they had a lot in common, and were friends for about two years before they started dating. They will celebrate their first wedding anniversary in February 2021.

    photo of couple in graduation clothes on campus