#WeMetAtTXST Stories

  • Seleste and John met through their New Student Orientation groups in 2017. They both loved Bobcat athletics and walking around the beautiful San Marcos campus. The couple got engaged right before Seleste’s graduation and are getting married later this year.

    photo of couple in brightly lit forest

  • Carlton and Marilynn were both involved with Greek organizations at TXST and often interacted with one another. After Carlton graduated, he continued to be involved with his fraternity as an alum and would see Marilynn at events. Sometimes, he would make up fictional events just to find a reason to talk to Marilynn. Eventually, she agreed to meet with him for lunch at Mamacita’s, and that was all it took for him to know she was the one. They got engaged in 2021 and will be married later this year on their 11th anniversary.

    Blue lighting selfie of couple

  • MacKenzie sat next to Quincy in her first-ever class at Texas State. Even though it was the first day of school, Quincy told MacKenzie that she was sitting in his seat. She was confused, and the comment made her notice him. Once they started dating, they would meet up in the Quad after class, eat at Jones, and walk the campus at night after late library sessions. They are grateful to Texas State for bringing them together.

    selfie of couple together smiling

  • Susan and Ron met at a football game in 1991. Their friend groups introduced themselves to each other, and Susan caught Ron’s eye. Later that night, they ran into each other at a party, and Ron asked Susan to dance. They have been each other’s dance partners for the last 27 years. Two of their seven kids have graduated from TXST, and one became a Bobcat this semester.

  • Erin and Hussein met on the equestrian team and bonded over their combined love of horses and Texas State. Hussein was born and raised in Saudi Arabia and Erin is a Texan. They’re thankful that Texas State brought them together from opposite sides of the world. Erin is set to graduate in 2023.

    photo of couple standing together smiling in front of a horse
  • “I was a little Mermaid, you were the new guy with my air, but when I reached out for a breath, alas, you were not there. I panicked for a moment, Then quickly swam to you, who was busy watching a fresh water prawn, as I was turning blue. And so it was the way we met, At Aquarena Springs that day, And after 28 years of marriage, you still take my breath away.”

    Photo of couple standing together and smiling while wearing aqaurena springs merch

  • A few weeks into their biology course, Joshua noticed Danielle and thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He moved up a few rows to sit behind her, hoping he’d have the opportunity to talk to her. His chance came when the professor asked the class to discuss the lecture amongst themselves. They bonded over their music interests and vowed to stay friends after the class ended. When COVID hit, the pair continued talking and tried to see each other when they could. Eventually, they spent more and more time together off-campus. When Joshua graduated, he stayed in San Marcos and after a few dates, he asked to be Danielle’s boyfriend. Joshua says he is grateful Texas State brought him together with his best friend. Danielle is set to graduate in the spring.

    Photo of couple sitting together and smiling in a restaurant

  • Erika and Jack met in their first few days living on the San Marcos campus. Their two friend groups had run into each other and stopped to try to figure out where the silent disco was. When they realized the event wasn’t until the next night, instead of parting ways, the two groups decided to wander campus together for a few hours. Jack and Erika quickly became friends, then partners. Now, the couple is happily living in their first apartment together. Erika is an elementary teacher at SMCISD and Jack is pursuing his master’s degree at TXST.

    Selfie of couple together smiling

  • During their first year at TXST, Kristian and Emily shared two classes. They spoke very little until after their first German exam when they discussed their grades and their mutual difficulty keeping Spanish and German separate in their heads. That conversation led to more, and eventually, they started dating. Three years and two study abroad programs later, Kristian asked Emily to marry him in the same spot they had the conversation about that exam – on the steps of Centennial Hall. They were married in November 2021.

    Photo of couple together at proposal at Texas State

  • Eddy and Sarah met at the Student Recreation Center. Sarah was a group fitness instructor and Eddy was a new personal trainer. He had just started his first semester at TXST after getting out of the Marine Corps. The two dated throughout college, got married, and now have a six-month-old daughter. They are hoping she’s a future Bobcat.

    Photo of couple standing with their baby

  • Kaitlin and a friend sat next to Jaqkaire and his friend group during a 2017 men’s basketball game against rival UTSA. The two hit it off right away and exchanged numbers at the end of the game. They went on their first date to Pluckers and have been together ever since. After graduation, they moved to Houston to start their next chapter and recently celebrated their fourth anniversary.

    Photo of couple standing together on a mountain ridge

  • James was the first person Katie met at TXST orientation in 2007, and they were just friends for a couple of years. Then, when a family tragedy showed Katie who kind, loyal, and compassionate James was, they started to date. The two took many trips to the river and enjoyed late nights of country music at the Square. They still make trips to San Marcos with their daughter and their dog a couple of times a year.

    Photo of couple sitting with their baby and dog.

  • Jesica and Alex met as orientation leaders in June 2017. Together, they welcomed thousands of incoming freshmen to Texas State. After graduating, they moved to Colorado and have lived there together for three years.

    Photo of couple standing together smiling wear TXST Orientation Staff tshirts

  • Amber met Jeffery when he sat next to her on the first day of their history class in 1998. During the October 1998 flood, they were both stuck on campus and decided to hang out. They started dating soon after. They got married in 2003, two weeks after Amber graduated with her master’s degree and Jeffery graduated with two bachelor’s degrees. They have been married for almost 19 years and have two children. 

    Photo of couple sitting down and looking at each other. Black and White photo. Wearing SWT shirts.

  • Andrea and Eduardo met at the Texas State Baptist Student Ministry and started to date after becoming close in the ministry’s worship band. Eduardo helped Andrea plan events for her Elliot Hall residents and Andrea helped Eduardo during sports interviews for KTSW. Eduardo proposed at Kissing Alley and they were married in 2019 surrounded by Bobcats.

    Photo of couple standing together wearing BSM shorts

  • Rebecca and Ronnie both worked at Aquarena Springs in 1993. Ronnie drove the glass bottom boats and Rebecca worked in the gift shop and ticket sales. Ronnie would come into the gift shop and buy cookies just so he could talk to Rebecca. A lot of cookies led to friendship, and eventually marriage. The pair has been married for 22 years and their sons will begin attending Texas State in the fall.

    Couple wearing SWT merch

  • Trevor and Kara were introduced by mutual friends in 2016, after Trevor transferred to TXST. They hit it off instantly and enjoyed their Friday morning study dates with Chick-Fil-A in the Alkek Library. Now married and living in Austin, they still love going to Chimy’s, and they stop at Loli’s (formerly Lolita’s) for breakfast tacos when they’re in town. 

    photo of couple on wedding day

  • Will and Karen met through a mutual friend who happened to have a crush on Karen. Out of respect for the friend, Will promised to never make a move. Will and Karen were friends throughout college, and one day Will’s little sister texted Karen to tell her that Will liked her. They decided that they needed to go on an official date, and less than a year later, they were married. They have been married for 11 years and have two children.

    photo of couple wearing all black hugging each other

  • Dustin and Kamden met in a managerial accounting course at TXST. Kamden was Senior Captain of the Strutters, and Dustin went to every game at which she performed. The couple went viral on social media because Dustin would wear a t-shirt with Kamden’s picture on it at all the games. They got engaged shortly after they graduated and were married in 2021.

    Photo of couple at football game, man is wearing shirt with woman in uniform, woman is wearing dance uniform

  • Ashley first noticed Jason at an Alpha Tau Omega party in 1996, when Jason accidentally knocked a light off of a balcony, but quickly recovered. She thought the clumsy fraternity brother was cute. Later, Ashley and her friends attended another party where Jason and his friend were both vying for her attention. Jason eventually got the edge when he and Ashley discovered that they worked at the same restaurant. When she left the party, Ashley gave Jason a kiss on the cheek, and he was smitten. The next time the two shared a shift, Jason asked Ashley out and the rest was history. They will celebrate 22 years of marriage this year and have two children. Their daughter is a freshman at Texas State and lives in College Inn on the same floor Ashley lived on when she and Jason met. 

    Photo of couple standing together next to a white building

  • Vicki and Dennis had three classes together during their sophomore year, one of which was Marriage and Family. Dennis was a football player and Vicki was a Strutter. They had their first date after the pep rally for the first game of the season. Fittingly for the couple who met in Marriage and Family, they married in December of 1973, after they both graduated, and had four sons and now have four grandchildren.

    side by side photo of man in football uniform running and woman in strutters uniform posing

  • Carly and Walter met in world literature class in 2012. She was interested in him all semester, and he waited until the very last day of class to tap her on the shoulder and ask her if she was going to take the final. Carly didn’t intend to take the final because it wouldn’t affect her grade, but she told him yes anyway and they studied together. She ended up making the highest grade she had ever made in that class on the final. They were married in 2016 and have two sons.

    Photo of couple at graduation both holding diplomas and smiling

  • Glen and Taylor met in Dr. Podorozhnya’s Data Structures and Algorithms class while earning their computer science degrees. The pair bonded over punk rock and their shared connections to Africa. The spent many hours writing programs and studying together. They were married a year after they graduated and they both work at the same company now.

    Photo of couple standing together in a forest

  • Sayla and Kyle met as education students during a course block at Lehman High School. They ended up working on a group project together and their relationship began from there. They tried to hide it from their classmates for a while, but they eventually found out. When they got married in 2014, most of those classmates were there to help them celebrate. 

    Photo of couple with baby and a dog, sitting on a bench and smiling

  • Connor first saw Courtney when a mutual friend showed him a photo of her. Connor asked for Courtney’s number and took her on a date to Palmer’s. The rest was history from there. The couple was married by the mutual friend who brought them together, Ricardo. They now have a four-year-old whom they named Palmer, after their first date spot.

    Wedding photo of couple

  • Jacob decided to join Kasandra and a mutual friend of theirs for dinner at Jones Dining Hall during their first semester at TXST. After that, the two of them began hanging out daily and started dating the following year. Jacob ended up transferring and the couple dated long distance until Kasandra graduated in 2017. Jacob proposed at Palmetto State Park and the pair spent the rest of the day in San Marcos, walking around campus and reminiscing about when they were students. They were married in 2021.

    Photo of couple standing together next to a giant corndog

  • Meradith and JJ share many TXST memories together – sandwiches at Blimpie’s, floating the river, going to Mayloo’s and the Green Parrot. They even slept outside of Schlotksy’s to win free sandwiches for a year. They are now married and have two dogs. They’re forever grateful to TXST for bringing them together.

    Selfie of couple with woman kissing man on cheek

  • In 2012, Karen was coordinating Student Support Services volunteers for Bobcat Build. She sent an email to the group asking if someone had a truck and could help bring tools to their job site. Angel volunteered. After Bobcat Build, they returned to campus for their free hot dogs and hung out for a little while before walking over to Bobcat Stadium for the football game. They became Facebook friends after that, but fell out of touch. They reconnected in 2015 and are now married and have a son.

    Photo of coupke standing together wearing TXST Alumni tshirts

  • Emily and John worked at the same place for an entire year, but they didn’t meet each other until they took the same news production class at TXST. It was a small world moment that led to a beautiful relationship.

    Photo of coupole sitting together and smiling wearing formal wear

  • Jocelyn says fate brought her to Adrian. Adrian says it was her laziness. In 2016, Jocelyn chose to eat her daily Chick-Fil-A dinner on the lower level of the LBJ Student Center rather than bringing it upstairs as she usually would. Adrian was studying near her and asked her if she liked salsa music. When Jocelyn told him she did, he invited her to a Ritmo Latino Dance Company meeting that night. The two were dance partners that evening and ended up as dance partners for life. They celebrated their second wedding anniversary this year.

    Photo of couple standing together wearing Texas State shirts

  • Kyle first noticed Mandi as the girl who lived one floor above him in their apartment complex. When he discovered they were in the same political science class, he introduced himself as her neighbor. They became friends and exchanged notes in class. They dated all through college, got engaged right after they graduated, and are happily married today.

    Photo of couple wearing TXST merch at TXST tailgate

  • In 2006, Jennifer worked at the LBJ Student Center information desk and Adam worked in the Student Association for Campus Activities office. A mutual friend introduced them, but they were both dating other people. They became good friends, and eventually started dating in 2008. They were engaged two months later and married six months after that. They are celebrating their 13th anniversary this year.

    Photo of couple with two kids wearing TXST merch

  • Daniel and Katie met in the courtyard of Elliot Hall during their freshman year. They shared the same friends throughout college, but never dated. After graduation, they fell out of touch, but reconnected a couple years later through Facebook. They made plans to meet up at a Texas State baseball game and when they did, they spent the evening laughing together. They began dating shortly thereafter, were married in 2014, and welcomed a son in 2021.

    Photo of couple at baby shower, woman is pregnant, man is pointing to her belly

  • Carrie’s parents met at Southwest Texas State in 1974. She met Michael at Southwest Texas State in 1999. Carrie reported to her roommate daily on Michael, the cute guy from her directing class. The two started dating that year, were married in 2003, and have two future Bobcats. They have both been teaching theatre since their 2001 graduation. 

    Photo of ocuple taking a selfie together in TXST merch

  • When Emily and Lee became friends as classmates in education courses, they were both seeing other people. Later that year, when they were both single, Lee’s friends put his number in Emily’s phone and she called to ask him out. After a year of dating, Lee proposed – the night before they both graduated. The couple just celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary.

    Selfie of couple smiling in a car

  • Kate and Leland met at Texas State as students. Their wedding was held on the San Marcos campus in front of Old Main, and was officiated by Richard Cheatam, former Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

    Photo of couple at their wedding

  • Christopher caught Dakota’s attention in their criminal justice course, because he was so loud in class. They joined a study group later that semester and became friends, but never dated. Christopher graduated and commissioned in the Air Force and left San Marcos. After Dakota graduated, she also left the area and began her career. It wasn’t until three years later that they confessed their love to each other, and they have been together for a year, with many more to come.

    Selfie of couple smiling

  • Annie and David met their freshman year in the Quad, but it took a few years of flirting before David asked Annie out in their junior year. They graduated on the same day and have been married over 30 years. Their fond memories of their alma mater encouraged their twins to become Bobcats, too!

    photo of couple standing together smiling

  • Jennifer and Martin met at a volunteer event for the accounting honor society in 2006. They talked to each other throughout the day, from set up to clean up. Jennifer returned home to a Facebook friend request from Martin. They stayed in touch throughout college and after graduation, they kept each other updated on their careers. It wasn’t until a few years after graduation that they had their first date. They married in 2012 and have two children.

    Family photo of the couple and their kids, sitting on concrete wearing blue

  • Heather and Robert first met as residents in Brogdon Hall’s Residential College living-learning community. Heather worked the front desks of the residence halls and Robert would visit her at work and keep her company. Their relationship blossomed over their years at Texas State, and after they both had graduated and moved to Houston, Robert proposed. Robert has since been named an Alumni Association Young Alumni Rising Star and the couple established the African American Leaders in STEM scholarship for Texas State students along with fellow alum Jeffrey Greenwood.

    Photo of couple smiling wearing tuxedo and sparkly dress.

  • Brian and Summer met their freshman year in the marching band. The Texas State marching field holds a lot of meaning for the Cervenkas: it’s where Brian asked Summer on their first date and where, five years later, he proposed. The two have now been married for almost 19 years. Their oldest daughter is a high school senior and will continue her parents’ Bobcat legacy this fall.

    Photo of couple sitting by window sill

  • Robert had an on-campus job changing air conditioner filters in residence hall rooms. He and Susan Jo had math class together, but they didn’t get to know each other until he changed the filter in her room. Robert was activated from the Navy Reserve in 1968, and the two got married while he was on leave in 1969. When Robert was discharged, the pair returned to San Marcos to finish his degree at Texas State (then Southwest Texas). They have two daughters, three grandchildren, and are celebrating their 53rd year of marriage this year.

    Photo of family wearing Christmas attire

  • Ralph and Patty met when their earth science class took a day trip to the Astro Dome. Patty was one of Ralph’s passengers in the carpool and he asked her out after that trip. They started dating and were married shortly after graduation. They have two children and five grandchildren, with a Bobcat in each generation. 

    Photo of couple standing together smiling, man is wearing blue shirt and cowboy hat, woman is wearing red flannel.