#WeMetAtTXST Stories

  • We met through a mutual friend who had extra “swipes” and offered to get us lunch at the Den. We immediately fell into great conversation and realized we wanted to hang out again. Jl requested to be my friend on Facebook and made a cute comment on a photo. We went out that weekend with friends and haven’t stopped hanging out since, 10 years later and have been married for 7 years now!

    Couple wearing Mardi Gras clothing together

  • My first interaction with Armando was in 2017 at the Academic Research Service Center (ARSC) in Supple. He was a student worker who opened the door for me as I did not have access. I was about to start getting trained on equipment to use for undergraduate research. It was not until 2018 that we started getting to know each other as we both spent countless hours in the lab. We started dating and eventually got married in 2021.

    Photo of couple smiling at graduation event

  • Well. Calling it a ” Love Story ” would be a stretch. However, we did meet at Texas State about 2 weeks before I graduated in the spring of 1974. She had gone to a concert with a roommate of mine and lost some kind of bet which required her to pay off with a quart of beer. So she shows up and catches me washing dishes. She tells me that really impressed her as that was not a love of hers. So I have never been a fast mover and we dated once a year or so for the next 6 until I finally wised up. Married in 1980. Coincidentally, she has been quite involved at Texas State having recently served as President of the Alumni Association. She also has a very popular food blog under the name of “Texicurian.”

    Photo of couple smiling in front of a "Seldouta" sign.

  • Nathan and I met summer of 2018. Nathan was in FIJI and good friends with some of my Chi Onega sisters. Through seeing our mutual friends post pictures and each other would be tagged, we started following each other on social media. Then August 2018, Nathan dm me and we started talking. Our first date involved those mutual friends and we ended up going to Top Golf in Austin. While dating, some of our favorite things to do were going to the baseball/basketball games, going to the Rec together, and going to eat Chuy's after class. Fast forward, we were both Spring 2020 graduates. After being in the ROTC program at TXST, upon graduation he was sent to Fort Carson, Colorado. In the midst of a pandemic and freshly graduated, I chose to go with him. In 2021, we got engaged at Lake Travis and in August of 2022 we got married in Austin, Texas! We still currently live in Colorado. Texas State has been a huge part of our story. We got a 2nd dog and her name is Boko. Both our dogs also wear TXST collars. In March of 2022, we traveled all the way to Arizona to watch the TXST baseball team play. We also love to donate and share our TXST joy.

    photo of couple, man is wearing military uniform and woman is wearing red dress

  • We met at a Texas State student political organization social gathering in 2018, and eventually began dating in October 2019. Once we both graduated, we moved to Austin for our full time jobs. In July 2021, we got engaged, and married in March 2022. We couldn’t stay away from San Marcos for long, so we bought a house in New Braunfels Summer 2022, and are now coming up on our 1 year wedding anniversary which we are so excited about. Thanks to Texas State for helping us find one another! We are surrounded by Bobcat couples as well – my parents graduated from Texas State in 1990 and have been happily married for 30 years. My twin brother and his fiancé both graduated from Texas State in 2020 and 2021 as well. Eat ’em up!

    photo of couple smiling at a graduation

  • We met while working at Levi’s at the outlet mall, we became friends and it took 10 years for our first date but we were engaged 6 months after that and married 10 months later…been together for almost 13 years. And we have 3 little bobcats of our own! Eat’em up!

    Selfie of couple wearing sunglasses

  • We met at a Texas State Baseball game on February 18, 2017. Purdue was the visiting team, and the bobcats won 13-11. It was a great day to be a Bobcat. We married on November 14, 2020. #WeMetAtTXST

    selfie of couple in front of an ocean

  • Abel and I met during our first semester of Texas State at Zombie Prom. We exchanged numbers and he texted me the next day asking me to lunch. By our second semester we were dating. Our relationship had its challenges, especially during the summer as we lived two hours apart with our families during that time, but would still try to see each other when we could, and looked forward to the start of each semester. After eight years of dating, we finally tied the knot this past June.

    Photo of couple at a wedding

  • We had economic botany together, both class and lab. He held the door open for me our first day of lab and sat next to me. I noticed how cute and confident he was that day. After lab he asked me on a date. Eight years later we had an awesome wedding and have a beautiful baby girl. After all the right and wrong choices we made, it brought us to TXST and lead us to each other.

    Photo of couple with a blanket wrapped around them, looking at each other.

  • We met at Texas State my freshman year and his junior year in 2017. I had been crushing on him for a long time and we finally connected at a party. We started dating about a month later, survived long distance after he graduated, and eventually moved to Houston together. We have 3 cats and a puppy together. We now live in Charleston SC so I can attend law school and we got married in October 2022 and are about to celebrate 5 year together!

    Photo of couple in wedding attire walking in grass

  • Samantha & Augustus first met in college at Texas State University in 2013. Samantha caught Augustus’s eye at a backyard house party; it was affectionally called the Board Shack . He still remembers that she was wearing jean overalls and a pink crop top (what a look!). Unfortunately, the rest is not history. It took Augustus and Sam two years to finally start dating; but that was not for a lack of trying on Augustus’s part. As the saying goes, good things come to those who wait! Samantha and Augustus have now been dating over six years. In that time, they have travelled the world, raised pugs, started eating their way through San Antonio, and got engaged. Augustus proposed at the San Antonio Botanical Gardens in the Spring of 2021; Sam said yes and now we’re here. They got married in Dripping Springs, TX on November 12th, 2022. They now live happily ever after with their two pugs in San Antonio.

    Photo of couple at wedding with their wedding party behind them

  • I was the Vice chairmen of one of TXST’s many organizations and she was in a similar, but different organizations; our two groups were doing a joint event October of 2018. While helping set up for the event I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and told myself I’m not leaving without her number. I remember being very smooth about it, however she remembers I was very nervous and basically threw my phone at her. But I got her number. We have been inseparable ever since and will be getting married June of 2023.

    selfie of couple in dimly lit room

  • My husband and I met on a double date each with the other couple. He asked me for a date the next week and we went to a dance together. This was the first semester of our sophomore year. We continued dating, became engaged and married when I graduated a semester early in January, 1967, back in the day you did not take finals and graduate until January. Richard graduated later that year and we moved to San Antonio and are about to celebrate our 56th anniversary. Texas State gave us an education and the bonus was meeting our life partner!

    black and white photo of a couple at a wedding, woman is smiling and holding a rose

  • Alan and I met in the Fall of 1997 at TXST (although it will always be SWT to us:) after my roommates and I moved into the apartment building next door. His group of friends became our group of friends, and we’ve been together ever since. Alan worked driving the buses for the university as well as renting tubes at Jerry’s on the Guadalupe. We have countless memories floating the river as well as enjoying all the great things the hill country has to offer. Since we built our life north of Dallas after graduating, we so miss things like Wurstfest, Green Parrot, Paper Bear, Dance Across, Five Mile Dam, tailgating, karaoke at Cheers, and trips to Sixth Street and Gruene. We feel like we left a small piece of our hearts in SMTX so many years ago, and this Fall we dropped off a huge piece of our hearts there when our daughter started as a freshman at TXST. We’ve now been married over 22 years, and some of our closest friends are still Bobcats. Forever grateful for our amazing college experience and that it brought us together!

    Family photo at Texas State tailgate

  • We met in the Bobcat Marching Band! We are both teachers now in Cy-Fair ISD and have been together for over four years.

    photo of couple smiling in their band uniforms.

  • A group of my dorm friends planned I float the river in the summer of 2005. A friend’s friend invited Justin to join. We ended up floating together near the back of the group and talked about our love of good music and the Astros! He had just graduated but was living in San Marcos part time. We dated long distance for 3 years before he proposed at the top of Old Main! We have been married for 14 years and have three future Bobcats!

    Photo of couple with three children sitting on bench smiling

  • We met on campus namely in Commons cafeteria. Nate and other student athletes would eat after basketball practice and I somehow was usually in the cafeteria at the same time. We became friends and I, someone who had absolutely no interest in basketball, started attending basketball games as Nate was captain of the team. It wasn’t long before we realized that it was a match made on campus as we dated, fell in love and determined to pursue our quest of a happily ever after life together. We both graduated in August ’72 and married in December ’72. Here we are, fifty years later realizing our “happily ever after” life. We have lived in Ohio, Kentucky, and California. We moved back to Texas in 2004. On our wedding anniversary day, (Dec.29) we went to San Marcos and had lunch at Gil’s Broiler. Afterwards, we went to the campus where we have so many beautiful memories. It’s amazing to see the growth, change and progress of the place that will forever be so dear to our hearts. We love Southwest Texas State University aka Texas State, San Marcos.

    Photo of couple wearing judicial garments

  • We were both rec majors and met in class while discussing the Beatles tribute band that played at SWT. We dated for 2 years before graduation. Charlie and I went are separate ways for 30 years and just reconnected in April 2022. We got married 2 months later. We are now traveling around the world enjoying every bit of our lives together!

    old photo of couple standing side by side smiling.

  • We met during the covid shut down – the summer of 2020. Karan was one of the first friends I made when I moved to San Marcos. He and his friend group became my home away from home. We had lots of similar interests: paddle boarding on the San Marcos river, hiking and hammocking at Spring Lake Trails, being overly competitive when playing spikeball, trying all the amazing tacos trucks, getting morning swims in with our friends at the campus recreation natatorium, and watching sunsets on the garage rooftop of Spec. We soon fell for each other and worked through 10 months of long-distance until I graduated. We now live in Kansas City with our two amazing doggos, Mika and Mal, and recently got engaged on our holiday to India in December.

    Photo of couple sitting together and smiling

  • Jordan and I met in our freshman communications class at Texas State University; we maintained an acquaintanceship throughout the 4 years but nothing more than that Jordan and I graduated from TXST in 2016, but due to us living 3 hours apart, our connection sort of went stagnant. It wasn’t until January 2022, did I hear from Jordan for the first time in SIX years! He reached out and expressed the feelings he’s had since our first meeting in 2012. I was flattered, and honestly felt the exact same way. A month later, Jordan asked me to be his girlfriend, and we’ve been making our long-ish distance work since. Now, 11 months later, we are moving into our house, booking our next vacation, and mapping out the next 100 years together.

    couple smiling in front of a Christmas tree

  • One of my dorm mates was a grader for an English teacher. She said he was super hard but really good and that I should take one of his classes. I already had my English classes completed so I just kept hearing about him through her and several other friends who took his classed. We didn't actually meet until my senior year when I attended his birthday party, each of us with our respective dates. Later we were both in the wedding of those same friends, this time without dates. We started dating and married the following year.

    vintage photograph of a couple at their wedding

  • Omar and I met at Texas State University in Summer 2014, I was a sophomore and he was an incoming freshmen. We talked almost every day and I was really hyping him for the big move to San Marcos for college. The first time we met in person was during Boko’s Block Party at President Trauth’s house on campus. He was attending and I was working the event. As the semester went on, I’d always see Omar on campus…ironically always at Commons Dining Hall. We started dating Summer 2015 and that was probably the best summer of my life! We explored San Marcos, fell in love with the hill country and made lifelong friends! Our family grew by two feet in June 2018 and again in July 2019. Our children LOVE Texas State, but specifically Boko the Bobcat! Omar and I finally said “I Do” this October 2022 and had many of our TXST friends in the wedding and in attendance. Coming to Texas State University hands down was the best decision we both made!

    photo of couple in wedding attire standing by a tree

  • During registration for Fall 67, I was in line and found it necessary to borrow a black ink pen from a cute girl in front of me. Later that evening that same girl and two friends came walking by my apartment, while I was sitting out on the porch with my roommates. After exchanging pleasantries about exploring San Marcos on foot, I offered a tour via my car and the offer was accepted. Needless to say I dropped everyone else off first; and that cute girl and I have been riding together ever since.

    vintage black and white photo of couple in wedding attire cutting their wedding cake

  • Sam and I met in the Fall of 2018 semester. I was a sophomore studying Special Education and he was a senior studying Digital Media. We met online using the infamous Tinder and had our first date at Mochas & Javas. After a few weeks of getting to know each other and getting a free appetizer from Toro Ramen, we made it official. Now fast forward 4-going-on-5 years, We’re both college graduates perusing careers we love. We have a rambunctious chihuahua mix named Harvey. We have traveled a bit around Texas, but we look forward to our first big trip to Washington D.C. this spring! We love Texas State and being Bobcats, but we love Texas State for bringing us together most of all! Eat ‘Em Up Cats!

    photo of couple standing together at TXST basketball game

  • One of my best friends since the 7th grade lived in the same dorm as Robert and became good friends with him. In the spring of my freshman year she invited me to come hang out with them and honestly the rest is history. We ended up being from the same hometown and grew up down the street from one another. All throughout college we dated and even lived at the same apartment complex with our friends our senior year. Our last semester we lived at Purgatory Creek together and also worked together at the Bookstore on campus. Two years after graduation he proposed to me the week we moved into our first house. We got married on our six year dating anniversary and this summer we will have been together for seven years. We truly are best friends and owe it all to Texas State!

    photo of couple in wedding attire kissing surrounded by sparklers